Seller warrants that its goods are free from defects in materials and workmanship. Accordingly, Seller’s liability is limited to replacing without charge or refunding the purchase price, or making fair allowance for any noncompliance with any specifications or any defects in materials or workmanship in its products existing at the time of delivery. Seller requires written notice and the return of the product to establish any claim. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH EXCEED THE ABOVE OBLIGATION ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED BY SELLER AND EXCLUDED. Seller will not be liable for any consequential damages, loss or expense arising in connection with the use or inability whatever, regardless of whether damage, loss, or expense results from any act or failure to act by Seller, whether negligent or willful, or from any other reason. Unless specifically stated, products are of commercial quality and standards. Buyer must determine suitability for the products particular use or purpose and will assume any and all risk and liability whatsoever resulting from the use of all products, whether used singly or in combination with other products or components. If requested and/or applicable, manufacturer's material certifications may be provided with no representations made as to their accuracy.

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